Monday, January 11, 2016
2:36 AM 0

Quoc Island

Quoc Island, about 13 km from the coast and about 45 kilometers from the provincial Peam Kampuchea (Viet Nam today). The island has an area of ​​574 km square and has a size nearly sized countries Singapore on the island with a population of Kasuga 5 Sen you, including people Khmer about 200 family includes the Khmer Krom and Khmer, which from Kampot Besides Laying people, Vietnamese and people Vietnamese who lived there longest since 2000. The island was occupied by the government since happen until next genocidal Khmer Rouge regime's island does not have a base but watch TV does not have a number of bases, the Khmer people living practitioners typically feed. But later due to no attention from the Royal Communist Cambodian island was also their fishing ethnic Vietnamese fishing will live there docked later Vietnamese administration came the little bit each has also been ignored by the Cambodian government after Treaty of prime Government Minister Hun Sen in 2005 has made Quoc that beloved nation Khmer been missing from the map of its practice. Today, the island was occupied by illegal Vietnamese government on the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Quoc has a coastline of more than 100 km and there are beaches many beautiful but quite unfortunate that the very island does not exist in the horse remaining names Khmer Missouri to say in terms of resorts there, including collecting water or waterfalls are 2 places 1 Resort Chha painting (SUOI TRANH) 2 resorts collecting rocks boat (SUOI DA BAN) beaches beautiful ones more like 1 beach star (BAI SAO) 2 coast (BAI THOM) 3 beaches long (BAI DAY) to the beach a large number who have not described all in this article. The island has a beach 2 types of beaches one of the south island as a beach that favorable to tourism for a boat ride on the wave going boating simultaneous air for joy, because the beach, there are strong winds and waves that favorable arrived tourism category, while the coast north of the island as a beach sngabkhyal as in Sihanoukville because sngabkhyal and it favorable to the recreational bathing tourist arrivals and in many sandy beautiful beyond will speak. Quoc infrastructure such as bridges, roads, airport and resort hotels, guesthouses Market Night Market sells fresh seafood objects local memories.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
6:23 PM 0

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh (read: phnou, Khmer pronunciation: [pnum pɨɲ], in Latin: Phnom Penh) is the capital and largest city of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Located on the banks of the Mekong River used to be the national capital since the French colonization in the country, that is also the capital and the heart of the Kingdom of Cambodia, where most people live in the country. Moreover, the center has grown to become the industrial and economic activities as well as national security, political, diplomatic, cultural heritage Center of Cambodia. And the commercial market, where competition for foreign economic relations and development policy where leaving too many old buildings such as the Royal Palace, Wat Phnom and other buildings.. Today, change shape economic development and new infrastructure, roads and construction. In addition, the city also became a market and economic challenges, and other major cities in the world.

When a previously known as the Pearl of Asia, which is regarded as one of the most romantic city charming, built by the French in Indochina [2] in the 1920s. Phnom Penh, along with Siem Reap and Sihanoukville is a world tourist destination and significant domestic tourism for the country. Founded in 1434, the city was noted due to the architecture and the beauty and numerous historical attractions. There is the remaining French colonial buildings scattered along the grand boulevards.

Having located on the banks of the Tonle Sap, Mekong and Bassac, Phnom Penh metropolitan area are the homes of the people of Cambodia [1] About 2.2 million of 14.8 million people, up from about 1.9 million in 2008. [3] The city is rich and rich people in Cambodia and also the political hub of the country.
6:02 PM 0

Basis Valley Resort

Brook yoga basis resort, you can visit the resort brook basis by Takeo Kiri Vong District town along Road 2 Kiri Vong District, next to the border and Vietnam (sacks). Once out of the Road 2, which has a market at the right hand lucrative market Page into the street market about 3 km land you're going to a place resort valley basis of where there are naturally beautiful, and there is the place keeping your vehicle tourist, sensor as well. Canyon Resort majority basis of all guests to visit here in August, September and October, because it contains a lot of water and laity. Canyon Resort is also the basis of national and international tourists to visit there. Waterfall shower the basis of a few places where they built tubs for hanging. RA first iron bridge pool for tourists standing or landscape view on the landscape. And where appropriate toys, such as airbags, horseback riding and many other Games. And there selling food, fruits and terrorist s: many who are required to follow the likes of More guests Souvenir South is recycling and not recycling, South by the people there. The people there, mostly farming crops such as potatoes, watermelon khno low and there are many other fruits.
5:52 PM 0

Mountain resort Chiso

Phnom Chiso is a mountain and where history commune, located in Islamabad between Samrong District, Takeo. Which is located about 62 kilometers south of Phnom Penh, or 27 km north of the provincial town of Takeo. To get there, we must follow National Road 2 through the Baptist and brasaeatneangokhmaw. Turn right at the sign and go through the dusty trail 5 km. Phnom Chiso is 130 m tall. Brasaeatophnomchisaur is electronics built before the 11th century by King Suryavarman emissions Norton 2 (1002 -1050), it has a longitude of 60 m and a width of 50 m. The temple was surrounded by porches 2. Galleries 1, has a length of 60 m and gallery 2 smaller than half of which has holy places: the main with two doors and statues wood. Beams and pillars beautiful. Wat Chiso was built in 1917 and destroyed by war in the 1970s and rebuilt in 1978. Previously, it was a school called Tuol thommosaphea awning and holy places: sacrifice. Ancient pond that creates abstract. People usually climb the mountain west of South climbing 390 steps and 408 steps and a path that allows motor car to travel to the mountains to transport materials: Ban the mountain. Eastern Mountain also has a stair stair made of laterite, which features: very old and steep. If we reached the top of the mountain, we will see four lakes in the surrounding mountains. The courtyard on the mountain, there is a wide courtyard there is a place for the performing arts: a beautiful castle in the northeast of South Mountain lieth there is a cave named monumental cave Monday. When traditional festivals or holidays are always people to play a large number of players there and at the end of the week, Saturday, Sunday from tourism or other entertainment as well. On the way of the foot of the south and west have put many kinds of food, fruit snacks.
5:46 PM 0

Bokor Mountain resort

Post infrastructure mountain ox that location located in the provincial water district Qu Kampong Diversity Assembly for shareholders Securities bronze by the national plant GE board threads and lumps of thick khmu like R. Hosni receive expenses for feeling dramatically from the national and inter national TV entertainment dreams comment this resort, but unfortunately due to lack of shelter and a place for defecation makes many guests who visited complained and strong resentment .... Soy SiNol Director of Tourism Kampot said within 5 days from 13 to 17 April 2011, visitors - tourism from the provinces in the country went up to visit the resort in Bokor, a total of 47,469 people, including some 377 were foreigners. Nol said guests who visited several large resorts on the backs to absorb air landscape cold look at the clouds and see the old buildings left from the previous generation. Soy SiNol added that on 13 and 14, which is the opening day of the first resort less tourists up to the visit, but in the 15-16 and 17, which is the last day of the New Year with guests up to play more than usual by day there are cars up nearly 2,000 units. Nol underlined that "We lost control in managing work order on this hill because of the number of guests to visit more than our expectations." According to statistics obtained from the Department of techniques - tourism Kampot said on Lunar New Year Khmer ago, resort Monivong Bokor, which is approximately 8 km from the town of Kampot and roads up to about 32 kilometers from the foot of reaching the backs above that get visitors - tourists to visit a total of only 21,892 people, foreign visitors amounted to 471 people. Jesse Guangxi Nang tourists who travel from Kratie province with the family, said he came to the resort Bokor is to want to see the natural scenery on top of this because he was saying that in the mountains, there are naturally more beautiful than the area resorts. Sina said that natural fact here really want to watch, but there are no shelters for shade sitting relaxed drink and toilet for bowel movements. Jesse the Sinai, said, adding that "I think because of the season New Year weather conditions of high heat, so the authorities should arrange tents or umbrellas for guests renting sit as easily have parking and bathrooms as much in order to avoid guests to visit work Degrading - paid wide area leading to damage to the environment." Penn National representatives Sokimex as you get the right development Bokor Mountain Resort, said the fact the resort has not been allowed to visit because the position as a whole has not yet completed arrangements. Penn National, said, "We do not want the guests to visit the mountains, because we fear they are in danger because of broken rock". Bokor Mountain Resort is currently under construction and hotel buildings and other construction, such as building casino family housing and cable baskets for guests riding fun. According to officials, company representatives said today climbing routes have been working Ste aluminum Denmark was nearly 90 percent and is expected to be completed in the near term. Please note that within 5 days of the opening to visit entertainment resort fee into the client for a vehicle fee 12,000 riel was claimed that 10,000 riel as fees for visitors and 2,000 riel, is expensive safeguards for parking. The motorcycle 1 1,000 riels and foreign guests - a $ 5 fee for the visit. Bokor, which was discovered in 1916 and developed into a holiday resort popular in colonial France and in Niyum upcoming 1960s was abandoned 2 times then 1st in 1940 and 2nd in 1972. In 1993, the government - the government arising from the elections under the supervision of the United Nations mountains plus - land as a national park, and in 1997 opened the first tourists to visit. HE Minister of Tourism Thong Khon said Bokor Mountain Resort is an important magnet to attract guests to visit at the southern coastal resort if developed and completed. HE the Minister said, "We hope that visitors will come to this region even more in the future because the region has a good natural want to enjoy the unique resort in the country
5:37 PM 0

Resort waterfalls Kbal

Nor'easter Prey Nop district is located in the city of Sihanoukville. Visitors can travel from Ville along National Highway 4 towards the north, a distance of 7 km and turn left into the road 217, about 9 km and natural to resort attractive waterfalls of the Khmer landscape make unforgettable visitor's elegant beauty it. Nor'easter many water sources from several other mountain ranges in the sea, but arrived Kbal remaining water source for three waterways flowing tall from 2 to 4 meters. Current water arrived Kbal waterways Only with a strong water flow and lbeaktuk a height of 14 meters, most tourists prefer to shower at the waterfalls .

Nor'easter has the most beautiful view in the summer, which intoxicated rain between July to October and cold weather as it is in phase with polar Falls form a water bubble broke phkatreng clanging sound and beautiful romantic mixed birds screaming, hollering like a rhythm warming tourists to forget all the sadness. But during the summer, waterfalls Kbal dried up almost all, however, it tried to express beauty, as well as water to accompany guests all season. Today, many tourists to visit and bathe because in this waterfall from the mountain waterfall and rock high landscape fresh high large forests and beautiful mountains, especially on holidays or on weekends.
Waterfalls Kbal was found in 1960 to 1963 and is organized as a source of clean water for use in Sihanoukville But construction be missed because of the war zone, and the area became the whereabouts of the Khmer Rouge. Until 1997 the area was turned into a development zone. In 1998 Kbal Anco conservation and development of this mountainous region turned a new face jasper family tourism infrastructure After impressive beaches in Sihanoukville.
5:28 PM 0

Kep National Park

Kep National Park is located in the territory of the Province, about 25 km from the town of Kampot, a distance of 173 kilometers from Phnom Penh. This national park has an area of ​​5,000 hectares, bordering the north next to Road 16, next to the South coast, east and west Road 162. Kep city border, about 15 kilometers outside the maritime road can also be a means of communication important for the local community as well. In addition, it offers a vast marine resources to the local population, such as fish, crabs, shrimp, squid, mussels, snails shell ... etc. aspect manipulation of the beach, Kep National Park is to help attract national and international tourists to stay entertaining area. Some parts of the sea in the east and west of the area stretches from mangrove forests install in salty water until the sea and mangrove forests above the seed nursery and spawning nests for a variety of fish, crabs, snails, reptiles and animals sea. Apart from that, as well as sensitive areas with a history as an important natural habitat for wild animals such as bird-rich birds with biological diversity and scenic beauty beauty. To block will not stop deforestation destroying natural habitat and biological diversity on 01 November 1993 decision and declared a national park by royal decree, which promulgate King Samdech Norodom Sihanouk Varman.