Saturday, January 9, 2016
5:37 PM 0

Resort waterfalls Kbal

Nor'easter Prey Nop district is located in the city of Sihanoukville. Visitors can travel from Ville along National Highway 4 towards the north, a distance of 7 km and turn left into the road 217, about 9 km and natural to resort attractive waterfalls of the Khmer landscape make unforgettable visitor's elegant beauty it. Nor'easter many water sources from several other mountain ranges in the sea, but arrived Kbal remaining water source for three waterways flowing tall from 2 to 4 meters. Current water arrived Kbal waterways Only with a strong water flow and lbeaktuk a height of 14 meters, most tourists prefer to shower at the waterfalls .

Nor'easter has the most beautiful view in the summer, which intoxicated rain between July to October and cold weather as it is in phase with polar Falls form a water bubble broke phkatreng clanging sound and beautiful romantic mixed birds screaming, hollering like a rhythm warming tourists to forget all the sadness. But during the summer, waterfalls Kbal dried up almost all, however, it tried to express beauty, as well as water to accompany guests all season. Today, many tourists to visit and bathe because in this waterfall from the mountain waterfall and rock high landscape fresh high large forests and beautiful mountains, especially on holidays or on weekends.
Waterfalls Kbal was found in 1960 to 1963 and is organized as a source of clean water for use in Sihanoukville But construction be missed because of the war zone, and the area became the whereabouts of the Khmer Rouge. Until 1997 the area was turned into a development zone. In 1998 Kbal Anco conservation and development of this mountainous region turned a new face jasper family tourism infrastructure After impressive beaches in Sihanoukville.


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