Monday, January 11, 2016
2:36 AM 0

Quoc Island

Quoc Island, about 13 km from the coast and about 45 kilometers from the provincial Peam Kampuchea (Viet Nam today). The island has an area of ​​574 km square and has a size nearly sized countries Singapore on the island with a population of Kasuga 5 Sen you, including people Khmer about 200 family includes the Khmer Krom and Khmer, which from Kampot Besides Laying people, Vietnamese and people Vietnamese who lived there longest since 2000. The island was occupied by the government since happen until next genocidal Khmer Rouge regime's island does not have a base but watch TV does not have a number of bases, the Khmer people living practitioners typically feed. But later due to no attention from the Royal Communist Cambodian island was also their fishing ethnic Vietnamese fishing will live there docked later Vietnamese administration came the little bit each has also been ignored by the Cambodian government after Treaty of prime Government Minister Hun Sen in 2005 has made Quoc that beloved nation Khmer been missing from the map of its practice. Today, the island was occupied by illegal Vietnamese government on the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Quoc has a coastline of more than 100 km and there are beaches many beautiful but quite unfortunate that the very island does not exist in the horse remaining names Khmer Missouri to say in terms of resorts there, including collecting water or waterfalls are 2 places 1 Resort Chha painting (SUOI TRANH) 2 resorts collecting rocks boat (SUOI DA BAN) beaches beautiful ones more like 1 beach star (BAI SAO) 2 coast (BAI THOM) 3 beaches long (BAI DAY) to the beach a large number who have not described all in this article. The island has a beach 2 types of beaches one of the south island as a beach that favorable to tourism for a boat ride on the wave going boating simultaneous air for joy, because the beach, there are strong winds and waves that favorable arrived tourism category, while the coast north of the island as a beach sngabkhyal as in Sihanoukville because sngabkhyal and it favorable to the recreational bathing tourist arrivals and in many sandy beautiful beyond will speak. Quoc infrastructure such as bridges, roads, airport and resort hotels, guesthouses Market Night Market sells fresh seafood objects local memories.


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