Monday, January 11, 2016
2:36 AM 0

Quoc Island

Quoc Island, about 13 km from the coast and about 45 kilometers from the provincial Peam Kampuchea (Viet Nam today). The island has an area of ​​574 km square and has a size nearly sized countries Singapore on the island with a population of Kasuga 5 Sen you, including people Khmer about 200 family includes the Khmer Krom and Khmer, which from Kampot Besides Laying people, Vietnamese and people Vietnamese who lived there longest since 2000. The island was occupied by the government since happen until next genocidal Khmer Rouge regime's island does not have a base but watch TV does not have a number of bases, the Khmer people living practitioners typically feed. But later due to no attention from the Royal Communist Cambodian island was also their fishing ethnic Vietnamese fishing will live there docked later Vietnamese administration came the little bit each has also been ignored by the Cambodian government after Treaty of prime Government Minister Hun Sen in 2005 has made Quoc that beloved nation Khmer been missing from the map of its practice. Today, the island was occupied by illegal Vietnamese government on the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Quoc has a coastline of more than 100 km and there are beaches many beautiful but quite unfortunate that the very island does not exist in the horse remaining names Khmer Missouri to say in terms of resorts there, including collecting water or waterfalls are 2 places 1 Resort Chha painting (SUOI TRANH) 2 resorts collecting rocks boat (SUOI DA BAN) beaches beautiful ones more like 1 beach star (BAI SAO) 2 coast (BAI THOM) 3 beaches long (BAI DAY) to the beach a large number who have not described all in this article. The island has a beach 2 types of beaches one of the south island as a beach that favorable to tourism for a boat ride on the wave going boating simultaneous air for joy, because the beach, there are strong winds and waves that favorable arrived tourism category, while the coast north of the island as a beach sngabkhyal as in Sihanoukville because sngabkhyal and it favorable to the recreational bathing tourist arrivals and in many sandy beautiful beyond will speak. Quoc infrastructure such as bridges, roads, airport and resort hotels, guesthouses Market Night Market sells fresh seafood objects local memories.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
6:23 PM 0

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh (read: phnou, Khmer pronunciation: [pnum pɨɲ], in Latin: Phnom Penh) is the capital and largest city of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Located on the banks of the Mekong River used to be the national capital since the French colonization in the country, that is also the capital and the heart of the Kingdom of Cambodia, where most people live in the country. Moreover, the center has grown to become the industrial and economic activities as well as national security, political, diplomatic, cultural heritage Center of Cambodia. And the commercial market, where competition for foreign economic relations and development policy where leaving too many old buildings such as the Royal Palace, Wat Phnom and other buildings.. Today, change shape economic development and new infrastructure, roads and construction. In addition, the city also became a market and economic challenges, and other major cities in the world.

When a previously known as the Pearl of Asia, which is regarded as one of the most romantic city charming, built by the French in Indochina [2] in the 1920s. Phnom Penh, along with Siem Reap and Sihanoukville is a world tourist destination and significant domestic tourism for the country. Founded in 1434, the city was noted due to the architecture and the beauty and numerous historical attractions. There is the remaining French colonial buildings scattered along the grand boulevards.

Having located on the banks of the Tonle Sap, Mekong and Bassac, Phnom Penh metropolitan area are the homes of the people of Cambodia [1] About 2.2 million of 14.8 million people, up from about 1.9 million in 2008. [3] The city is rich and rich people in Cambodia and also the political hub of the country.
6:02 PM 0

Basis Valley Resort

Brook yoga basis resort, you can visit the resort brook basis by Takeo Kiri Vong District town along Road 2 Kiri Vong District, next to the border and Vietnam (sacks). Once out of the Road 2, which has a market at the right hand lucrative market Page into the street market about 3 km land you're going to a place resort valley basis of where there are naturally beautiful, and there is the place keeping your vehicle tourist, sensor as well. Canyon Resort majority basis of all guests to visit here in August, September and October, because it contains a lot of water and laity. Canyon Resort is also the basis of national and international tourists to visit there. Waterfall shower the basis of a few places where they built tubs for hanging. RA first iron bridge pool for tourists standing or landscape view on the landscape. And where appropriate toys, such as airbags, horseback riding and many other Games. And there selling food, fruits and terrorist s: many who are required to follow the likes of More guests Souvenir South is recycling and not recycling, South by the people there. The people there, mostly farming crops such as potatoes, watermelon khno low and there are many other fruits.
5:52 PM 0

Mountain resort Chiso

Phnom Chiso is a mountain and where history commune, located in Islamabad between Samrong District, Takeo. Which is located about 62 kilometers south of Phnom Penh, or 27 km north of the provincial town of Takeo. To get there, we must follow National Road 2 through the Baptist and brasaeatneangokhmaw. Turn right at the sign and go through the dusty trail 5 km. Phnom Chiso is 130 m tall. Brasaeatophnomchisaur is electronics built before the 11th century by King Suryavarman emissions Norton 2 (1002 -1050), it has a longitude of 60 m and a width of 50 m. The temple was surrounded by porches 2. Galleries 1, has a length of 60 m and gallery 2 smaller than half of which has holy places: the main with two doors and statues wood. Beams and pillars beautiful. Wat Chiso was built in 1917 and destroyed by war in the 1970s and rebuilt in 1978. Previously, it was a school called Tuol thommosaphea awning and holy places: sacrifice. Ancient pond that creates abstract. People usually climb the mountain west of South climbing 390 steps and 408 steps and a path that allows motor car to travel to the mountains to transport materials: Ban the mountain. Eastern Mountain also has a stair stair made of laterite, which features: very old and steep. If we reached the top of the mountain, we will see four lakes in the surrounding mountains. The courtyard on the mountain, there is a wide courtyard there is a place for the performing arts: a beautiful castle in the northeast of South Mountain lieth there is a cave named monumental cave Monday. When traditional festivals or holidays are always people to play a large number of players there and at the end of the week, Saturday, Sunday from tourism or other entertainment as well. On the way of the foot of the south and west have put many kinds of food, fruit snacks.
5:46 PM 0

Bokor Mountain resort

Post infrastructure mountain ox that location located in the provincial water district Qu Kampong Diversity Assembly for shareholders Securities bronze by the national plant GE board threads and lumps of thick khmu like R. Hosni receive expenses for feeling dramatically from the national and inter national TV entertainment dreams comment this resort, but unfortunately due to lack of shelter and a place for defecation makes many guests who visited complained and strong resentment .... Soy SiNol Director of Tourism Kampot said within 5 days from 13 to 17 April 2011, visitors - tourism from the provinces in the country went up to visit the resort in Bokor, a total of 47,469 people, including some 377 were foreigners. Nol said guests who visited several large resorts on the backs to absorb air landscape cold look at the clouds and see the old buildings left from the previous generation. Soy SiNol added that on 13 and 14, which is the opening day of the first resort less tourists up to the visit, but in the 15-16 and 17, which is the last day of the New Year with guests up to play more than usual by day there are cars up nearly 2,000 units. Nol underlined that "We lost control in managing work order on this hill because of the number of guests to visit more than our expectations." According to statistics obtained from the Department of techniques - tourism Kampot said on Lunar New Year Khmer ago, resort Monivong Bokor, which is approximately 8 km from the town of Kampot and roads up to about 32 kilometers from the foot of reaching the backs above that get visitors - tourists to visit a total of only 21,892 people, foreign visitors amounted to 471 people. Jesse Guangxi Nang tourists who travel from Kratie province with the family, said he came to the resort Bokor is to want to see the natural scenery on top of this because he was saying that in the mountains, there are naturally more beautiful than the area resorts. Sina said that natural fact here really want to watch, but there are no shelters for shade sitting relaxed drink and toilet for bowel movements. Jesse the Sinai, said, adding that "I think because of the season New Year weather conditions of high heat, so the authorities should arrange tents or umbrellas for guests renting sit as easily have parking and bathrooms as much in order to avoid guests to visit work Degrading - paid wide area leading to damage to the environment." Penn National representatives Sokimex as you get the right development Bokor Mountain Resort, said the fact the resort has not been allowed to visit because the position as a whole has not yet completed arrangements. Penn National, said, "We do not want the guests to visit the mountains, because we fear they are in danger because of broken rock". Bokor Mountain Resort is currently under construction and hotel buildings and other construction, such as building casino family housing and cable baskets for guests riding fun. According to officials, company representatives said today climbing routes have been working Ste aluminum Denmark was nearly 90 percent and is expected to be completed in the near term. Please note that within 5 days of the opening to visit entertainment resort fee into the client for a vehicle fee 12,000 riel was claimed that 10,000 riel as fees for visitors and 2,000 riel, is expensive safeguards for parking. The motorcycle 1 1,000 riels and foreign guests - a $ 5 fee for the visit. Bokor, which was discovered in 1916 and developed into a holiday resort popular in colonial France and in Niyum upcoming 1960s was abandoned 2 times then 1st in 1940 and 2nd in 1972. In 1993, the government - the government arising from the elections under the supervision of the United Nations mountains plus - land as a national park, and in 1997 opened the first tourists to visit. HE Minister of Tourism Thong Khon said Bokor Mountain Resort is an important magnet to attract guests to visit at the southern coastal resort if developed and completed. HE the Minister said, "We hope that visitors will come to this region even more in the future because the region has a good natural want to enjoy the unique resort in the country
5:37 PM 0

Resort waterfalls Kbal

Nor'easter Prey Nop district is located in the city of Sihanoukville. Visitors can travel from Ville along National Highway 4 towards the north, a distance of 7 km and turn left into the road 217, about 9 km and natural to resort attractive waterfalls of the Khmer landscape make unforgettable visitor's elegant beauty it. Nor'easter many water sources from several other mountain ranges in the sea, but arrived Kbal remaining water source for three waterways flowing tall from 2 to 4 meters. Current water arrived Kbal waterways Only with a strong water flow and lbeaktuk a height of 14 meters, most tourists prefer to shower at the waterfalls .

Nor'easter has the most beautiful view in the summer, which intoxicated rain between July to October and cold weather as it is in phase with polar Falls form a water bubble broke phkatreng clanging sound and beautiful romantic mixed birds screaming, hollering like a rhythm warming tourists to forget all the sadness. But during the summer, waterfalls Kbal dried up almost all, however, it tried to express beauty, as well as water to accompany guests all season. Today, many tourists to visit and bathe because in this waterfall from the mountain waterfall and rock high landscape fresh high large forests and beautiful mountains, especially on holidays or on weekends.
Waterfalls Kbal was found in 1960 to 1963 and is organized as a source of clean water for use in Sihanoukville But construction be missed because of the war zone, and the area became the whereabouts of the Khmer Rouge. Until 1997 the area was turned into a development zone. In 1998 Kbal Anco conservation and development of this mountainous region turned a new face jasper family tourism infrastructure After impressive beaches in Sihanoukville.
5:28 PM 0

Kep National Park

Kep National Park is located in the territory of the Province, about 25 km from the town of Kampot, a distance of 173 kilometers from Phnom Penh. This national park has an area of ​​5,000 hectares, bordering the north next to Road 16, next to the South coast, east and west Road 162. Kep city border, about 15 kilometers outside the maritime road can also be a means of communication important for the local community as well. In addition, it offers a vast marine resources to the local population, such as fish, crabs, shrimp, squid, mussels, snails shell ... etc. aspect manipulation of the beach, Kep National Park is to help attract national and international tourists to stay entertaining area. Some parts of the sea in the east and west of the area stretches from mangrove forests install in salty water until the sea and mangrove forests above the seed nursery and spawning nests for a variety of fish, crabs, snails, reptiles and animals sea. Apart from that, as well as sensitive areas with a history as an important natural habitat for wild animals such as bird-rich birds with biological diversity and scenic beauty beauty. To block will not stop deforestation destroying natural habitat and biological diversity on 01 November 1993 decision and declared a national park by royal decree, which promulgate King Samdech Norodom Sihanouk Varman.
5:22 PM 0


A province located in the south of the country at a distance of 148 km.. From the northern border city against East Bor district, Kampong Tram stick and Kirivong district, Takeo province south western Gulf stick Kampong Seila, Koh Kong and Preah Vihear Province Likewise, long beaches on the Gulf of Thailand to the southern Kampot City. Kampot has a population of 627 884 people [2] and the county and city of eight divided into communes - neighborhood 92 with and villages totaling 477 people. [3] Kampot province have construction history, such as home shopping malls, cinemas, hospitals, etc., are all Evidence shows the interest of the French on the territory of the province. There Bokor, an impressive national and international tourists every well. On the casino and entertainment venues such as: a hundred waterfalls and fields can see the beautiful scenery below cloud - -. Boat gold settled in the province.
5:15 PM 0

Sihanouk Province

PAS is the largest city in the south of the country. The new town was established in 1964. Ville is to commemorate the work of King Norodom Sihanouk. Ville's original name before 1964 is Som.
Ville eggs largest sea port in the country's coast. Ville half between Thailand and Vietnam, and the second most important city of Sihanoukville on the Gulf of Thailand. Sihanoukville is a very impressive place for international tourists and visitors. According to the document, the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia, said that in 2006 there were more than 320,000 international tourists visited Sihanoukville. January 2007 in Sihanoukville Airport was opened to flights Siem Reap - Ville and projects of the government, said of Sihanoukville Airport will become an international airport in 2010.

5:00 PM 0

Tonle Sap

Great Lake (Tonle Sap) is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. Cambodians call the sap freshwater seas because of the vast scope of the lake. Sap natural reservoirs and fish habitat important for the people of Cambodia.

In the dry season, the lake is relatively small approximately 2,700 km. 2 and a depth of about 1 meters. In the rainy season, the Mekong River reflux up the Tonle Sap came the sap makes the lake has a size of up to 16,000 km. 2 and a depth of up to 9 meters. Sap expand its scope in the rainy waters into the antithesis of the surrounding area preirneam create favorable conditions for spawning fish. The factors which make the sap becoming the largest source of freshwater fish in the world. Sap subsistence population of over 3 million freshwater fish, 75% of the total freshwater fish production in the country. At the end of the rainy season, the water receded when full grown fish shape, and when the fishing season begins across the country.

Local observers are worried about the rapid growth of sediment flowing into the lake every year. But long-term study about sediment claimed that increased sediment at a rate of 0.1 to 0.16. 1 this year, no serious threat to the lake. Instead, these sediment plays an important role in the ecological system, providing nutritious preirneam.

Reverse currents flowing into and out of the sap conditions prevent flooding in the rainy season and water shortages in the dry season. In the rainy season, the sap 50% of the water that flows to irrigate Mekong Delta.
4:55 PM 0

Bayon Temple

Temple Mount is located in the central city of Angkor Thom, and was built by King Jayavarman 7 build quality to the MMA highlight is a pyramid-shaped entrance from the east and has 3 floors. big shrine located the center of the whole castle is surrounded by 54 small temples top temple, which has a large front avatar's face Lokeshvara statues all features like the face of King Jayavarman 7. All the statues facing all four major directions even if you're in the place of the temple, also under the eye and a smile on my face counseling Pentagon never goes dry. Jayavarman 7 is the opposite of his ancestors who worshiped deity of the Hindu god Shiva and Vishnu. He has chosen Mahayana Buddhism is the religion of God's kingdom. Temple is located in a separate compound from the temples of Angkor.
4:49 PM 0

Takeo temple

Temple built in the 10th century during the reign of King Jayavarman 5 sandstone size 100 mm x 120 mm. According to Georgia, Nicodemus said the temple was abandoned because then there is lightning was but Jean Gbagbo eat Celliers understand that with the scene a bad cause they abandoned the construction of this when they came to the reign of King Suryavarman 1, he had set them in restoring.

She Koran Ray Ban (Coral Remusat) in the books "Part Khmer" As one of the French researchers, he wrote that the Temple was built by King Christian VII, 5 in BC 974 to dedicated Statue. King, ascended the throne properties in childhood to dedicated Statue because the king has reigned properties in childhood with preahreachokrou privy adviser, that he built a new city called "watershed Yemen Chanphal Management Syria" which temple "hemkiri" in the center, and an estimated castle hemkiri is going to Temple this.

Although the Temple no fancy designs such temples in the Angkor area and are visitors sometimes exclaimed the temple fathers do not yet, and also the look beautiful spunky's castle was compelling tourists extremely due to inscriptions reflect reported as "hemkiri" Bo restaurant onsite center of the city, "the NEC Yemen Chanphal kingdom Kiri" of Jayavarman VII, 5.

According to historical documents Khmer confirmed that the Temple was built ngaeu by King Suryavarman 1, who ascended the throne in the early 11th century while building completed in Phimeanakas gopuras of the palace. Therefore, if Temple did not, and since the reign of Jayavarman VII, 5 (10 th century father why Khmer architects under the leadership of King Suryavarman 1 (11th century), but do not temples
4:41 PM 0

pra sat ta prom

Post-dated 7th January 1979 so far Prohm is free from the clutches of the Pol Pot regime, and there is beauty restored, with national and international guests to visit to research the stones and artifacts that the temple happened since the 13th century is behind Wat Siem Reap.

The original name of the temple is the Royal Chapel. Ta prohmea located along a small orchestra with demand after Temple about 1 km., And northwestern strongholds. Built in the year 1186 BC by King Jayavarman 7 to be dedicated to his mother under the wise hand. The temple is surrounded by big post-dated 7th January 1979. So far, Temple has been free from the clutches of the Pol Pot regime, and there are beautiful together, both national and international guests to visit to research rocks and artifacts temple has happened since the 13th century is behind Wat Siem Reap.

The original name of the temple is the Royal Chapel. Ta prohmea located along a small orchestra with demand after Temple about 1 km., And northwestern strongholds. Built in the year 1186 BC by King Jayavarman 7 to be dedicated to his mother under the wise hand. The temple is surrounded by a large wood grows on the temples. Planted on the ruins.
4:27 PM 0


Funan territory stretches from the Tonle Sap River Peam to common sea. Capital Vyadhapura of Funan then about Prey Veng today.

Funan 扶 南 is the Chinese name of an ancient kingdom located in the Mekong Delta. This setting is found in many Chinese historical text that describes the state, according to the ancient Chinese Beauty, which is a meaningless word in Chinese. The name on the report, Chinese diplomats were two that represent the kingdom Seoul in Nan Jing, who has temporary residents in Funan Nan in the mid-third century CE. However name Funan Nan was not found in the original article a local any and do not know how people Funan Nan called himself about that. [1] The nature of human ethnic language is a subject of much discussion among experts. Leading hypothesis suggests that most of the Funan clans Mon-Khmer or Nazi Sachsenhausen (estrogen). Some considered Funan Nan was the Word, Scythian, arguing that the tribe Scythian, who live on the plateau today, the Negro Khmer this one hand and the other hand, arguing that the sculptures on the walls of temples Khmer showed that the Khmer era, including clothing and habits like Scythian too. Avenue should be noted that Professor El - Five-ph (L. Brumpt) confirmed that the Khmer and Scythian really race together, not relying on the results of his study on anemia (hemoglobin of). [2] The original name has not been known yet. Translations such Funan that many supposed words Funan Nan is removed frequently from the word Khmer pnom or Funan (modern: Mountain) by coed, he said, the king at that time there thanontornam that sdechaphnom words Khmer ancient tribe den Funan was going Sanskrit that Gandharva continued phoubeal or vessels etc. Reach. Chinese thanontornam used for call management. For this habit euros - Idaho Monica papers noted that in ancient China, people do not discern apart. They use the same name for many people sign the capital but also for the whole country or name thanontornam leaders. For views of coed China noted that the document clearly says that of Funanese Emperor thanontornam London tribal prosperity today means his predecessors. Funan then, China's call thanontornam of Funanese Emperor prosperity Funan this group. At which thanontornam, This will probably come from the mountains, where the emperor went up to meet Statue document said the Chinese deities descended on Mount Simon Tan (Mo-tan) often he came there to express the greatness of bronze, his emperor all received blessings from him, and the people also health progress within it. [3] However, Nan 南 may mean simply the south, which is the case of the State other called Annam.

It is believed that the state was founded in the 1st century AD. In the Mekong Delta, which is currently the Vietnamese territory [4] However, the residence of a man of the masses in the area may be going to the 4th century BCE. Instead. Despite being considered by the Chinese envoy that a unified empire Funan may have a collection of city-states sometimes war with another state and when a political unification. [5]

Very little is know about the Funan it except it's state commercial potential, according to the evidence through the discovery of their goods Rome, China and India during the archaeological excavation at the ancient Oc Eo (O'Keo or O'Ceo), which were often written by confusion as Oc Eo (Oc Eo) in South Vietnam. [6] capital of the Funan may originally located in the compound Ba near the town of Ba, Vietnam, Cambodia, currently in Prey Veng likely been moved to Oc Eo in the time afterward. Sec Vickery (Vickery) [7] rejected by correcting announcement found a town, called Vyādhapura advances (City of hunters) by coed [8] because he derived the name from MOTC Ki (Tèmù 特 牧) they used the capital in the articles Chinese history so it was the words Khmer that tmea harm or dalmāk, which means you attract non-hunter said. Most stories they know Funan from Champ from Chinese sources and records dating from the 6th to the 3rd century and from archaeological excavation. Without any archaeological research was carried out in the state in Cambodia's Mekong Delta for decades and certainly the position that they had anticipated that the location of the capitals of Funan. [9] Funan is regarded as the kingdom Khmer first (when Funan not know what the locals call the national self Oh, it except Chenla how we know that the locals call themselves kids) and as a kingdom before the mvou NEC but Shawcross.
4:17 PM 0

Preah Suramarit Park Kossomak KIRIROM

Preah Suramarit Park Kossomak KIRIROM everyone known as the National Park Kirirum (Kirirom National Park) National Park of the Kingdom of Cambodia, which is located 112 km from Phnom Penh along National Road 4 to Sihanoukville. Kirirom National Park is suitable for elephants endangered detained Kirirom Sruoch District Province. KIRIROM Park stretches on an area of ​​forest about 8 thousand acres.

Kirirum mountain has a height of 700 meters [2]. It's a national park officially established the first in the country. [3].

Kirirum National Park is a famous natural tourist resort among other major national parks in the country Kirirum resort also has a renowned reputation in the SRN. The resort is rich in scenic Park Deluxe studded with pine trees growing naturally on the plateau Kirirum many brook waterfall aside and mrukimrukea many families live there.

Covering an area of ​​approximately 8,401 hectares and is located on a plateau with altitude ranging from 300 to 1,000 meters above sea. Kirirum resort is the largest natural park, located near the capital and in the south, southwest West (South West) of the capital of Cambodia. They can travel to visit Kirirum easily through the National Highway 4 to Ville but the Kilometer 87 straight poles around crossroads Troyoeng they will see a road separating the right-hand side towards Kirirom to a distance of 27 km. road over a distance of 10 km. The first is a flat road and 17 km . Next is a road up the mountain and plateau. The resort has a distance from the capital 114 km. And 147 km. From Sihanoukville or a distance of 44 km. Away from the city Kampong Speu province.

Natural forest area Kirirum including most pure pine forests and tropical forests. Natural pine forests is a special point of the resort, and also a pine forest reserves the largest in the country They divided the forest in the area is a mixed pine forest or jungle Dipterocarpaceas and bruised leaves big forest Gallery Forest grows along streams and a wild river ravine is a wet swath Moist dense dipterocarp forest rich in biodiversity there, too.

It should be noted that before the 1990s Kirirum entire surface area of ​​up to 81,720 hectares of land. And to respond to degradation by the destruction of natural forest resources across the country, who was born there and Eden Park this important wildlife habitat and as well as to prevent any destruction of forests in the country. The Royal Government of Cambodia has also registered Kirirum resort "Park Preah Suramarit National," which has an area of ​​35,000 hectares, according to the decrees of the king King Norodom Sihanouk Varman dated 1 November 1993. This park opened officially on June 5, 1995. Until recently, . Today many road and several bridges have been restored after the damage due to the war. In general, the situation road to the park Kirirum better conditions allowing all kinds of tourism traffic to get there. Every weekend tourists from many went to rest in their relaxing entertainment play with beautiful natural beauty there, and also a place to eat a delicious aroma. Many local food types are available for guests and also for foreigners also have a new sales kyo river streams there with a reasonable price can be accepted.

But for tourists who wish to travel by road adventure many other old former Julie Long, a large number is not yet fixed, but it has the condition, with potholes and bumps heavy damage and outages can travel by 4WD vehicles.

For safety and security issues of the entire national park Kirirum is very good, conducive to development tourism for tourists and for local and international tourists to visit entertainment every season. In the current National Park Kirirum main tourist area for national and international guests to visit and play a lot of entertainment waterfall resort mountain house new old house Srang crash Farm O Ta Huy rock and mountain areas cave.

Apart from the main tourist areas above Kirirum in the National Park area, there are many other important areas, an eco-tourism resort high waterfall accompanied by beautiful natural water resort, is called O shared or almond waterfall at the foot of the National Park Kirirum almond commune located in the geographic land of jagged mountains Speu province.

Kirirum highlands and meeting a lot of big hills covered by green forest This season also has a high amount of rain also resembles seaside and also the factors creating the gorge and streams of water flowing down a lot in between each mountain resort several waterfalls scattered around area. Because naturally conducive Kirirum established as a source of water for hydropower in first Since the 1960s, they can bring those currents of electric power supply in Phnom Penh today a significant proportion.
4:12 PM 0

Museum anthropologist, Singapore

The museum is located on National Road 4 Village Commune point volli៍s Tong District. The museum was built as a family in an attempt to leave the properties they own, and as a contribution to save heritage properties national cultural foundation. Museum anthropologist, Singapore artifacts from prehistoric times until today and most of those objects is a statue made of wood and stone ceramic Kolap total of thousands of artifacts. In the museum, they put the object of many types made of sandstone mountains of wood, such as Buddha statues of Jayavarman VII, 7 guard temples her banana she Cham etc. and objects use the ancient includes pot copper Kolap pans or dishes, pots made of clay jar puoch forth. Apart from this there are sculptures table, chairs, cabinets made of wood from the stump has been in existence for many large rocks and clam shells or sea. All these objects were deposited separately and each placed in the gallery of the museum. All objects will be exhibited in the museum were collected from different districts in the provinces since After national liberation from the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979 beginning.
Mountain Amps: Amps natural and cultural mountain resort is located in the village of price and amps mountain village commune commune Sopor Tep and purple lilies Chbar a distance of 48 km.. Turn left 2 c.. And the resort. The landscape of the river through the combined small tree grows big crowding along the river should form a landscape of Detention Want to enjoy immensely. at the foot of the mountain Mount amps have a suspension bridge crossing from the other side of the lake to the other side to connect the village's river Sopor Tep Commune amps mountain village mountainous communes amps. In the dry season, if we stand on the suspension bridge looking down into the bottom of the river, we will see the Dutch river rock rum_ escape New Zealand and the boundaries of sand, with a small crowd Va simultaneous swim gleam left and periodically, they saw a herd of monkeys into the bath water, the bottom of the river very happy. In the rainy season, if we stand on the suspension bridge, looking down to the river, we saw water flowing Jaazaniah ashamed foams great terror that some tourists standing on the bridge almost do not look down. On the south side of the river, we observed an old pagoda on the mountain, the sanctuary of the people to celebrate the traditional gift . Mountain amps bath across the suspension bridge and visit the stalls seats to relax by the river to relax, and in the stalls Each can be iced Wildlife desire that theft still hunt wild animals.
Preah Suramarit Park Kosomak: KIRIROM natural resort area features for tourists such as a thick pine forest shade Paradise and air Ghost makes great mood this national park located in the village commune damriphong Kirirom Sruoch District has a distance of 117 km.. Road 4 on the mountain height of 700 mm.